Thursday, 21 October 2010

so long, luella.

Sitting at home on my laptop, I type in '', not an unfrequent website choice, to find a very upsetting message: 

'The Luella website has now ceased trading.'

Yes, that's right, the brand Luella Bartley is the lastest fashion victim of recession - sob sob sob. 
She once described her line as 'the kind of clothes you can get drunk and fall over in' unfortunately, her clothes aren't getting back up again.

Bartley launched 'Luella' in 1999, it was a very successful line and won Designer of the Year at the British Fashion Awards in 2008. Many celebrities wore her designs, such as Alexa Chung and Lily Allen.

Before becoming a designer, Bartley worked as a journalist for Vogue and the Evening Standard, who knows, we might be seeing her around sooner than we thought...

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